Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Excerpt from Chapter 8 of New: Wineskins and the Simple Words of Christ

Now, if we really want to know God’s purpose for our lives, or what we should do in any situation, we should look at what Jesus did. Instead of wrist-bands with WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?), maybe we should make some saying WDJD (What Did Jesus Do). This is the real question we should be asking, for we are called to walk as Jesus walked by the power of the Holy Spirit. So, what works did Jesus do? He loved His enemies. Healed the sick. Blessed His persecutors. Expelled demons. Turned the other cheek. Raised the dead. Extended forgiveness to undeserving sinners. Loosed the chains of injustice. Defended the powerless. Proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God. Prophesied. Walked humbly with God. Called for racial reconciliation. Prayed. Memorized Scripture. Performed various miracles. Fasted. Resisted the devil. Made disciples who made disciples.

You get the point. And if you don’t think these things are possible for us, or that Jesus doesn’t expect us to do them, just read the book of Acts. It is filled with fantastic encouragement for believers because it proves that Jesus kept His promise from John 14:12, and His promise is still valid today. Whoever believes in Jesus can be like Him and do what He did through the gift of the Holy Spirit. So, the real question is how determined you are to be like Him and do what He did.

Bible teacher Ray Vander Laan, in his message The Dust of the Rabbi, explains what Jesus’s followers understood Him to be saying when He called them to be disciples who made more disciples: “A disciple is not someone who wants to know what the teacher knows. . . .[or] even someone who wants to know what God knows. . . . A disciple is someone who, more than anything else in the whole world, wants to be what the teacher is. . . . How badly do you want to be like Jesus?”2

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