Sunday, August 6, 2017

Transition Time

For about a year or so, I’ve been feeling like God has been leading me to take the concept of my weekly blog and transition it into a podcast. At first, that didn’t seem possible due to the fact that when my wife and I adopted our two kiddos, I gave up my “music room”, and thus lost a space to record. However, now that we’ve moved into a more spacious home, I’ve got my home studio space back. No more excuses.

Like my blog, the podcast will be called Reclaiming the Faith, but not because I believe I have the corner on the truth. The reason it’s called Reclaiming the Faith is that I want to bring to light the beliefs, values and practices of the earliest Christians, which are often neglected by Bible colleges, Christian universities and seminaries. However, to make things a little more listener-friendly, my overarching mission is to demonstrate through these writings how the early Christians would respond to the core issues facing us today.

At first, while I’m still getting the hang of things, I plan on posting every other Tuesday. Next week, you’ll be able to find it on iTunes or at the main site.

Thanks so much for listening! And if you have a minute, please rate and review the podcast next week when the first episode goes up.

Grace and peace!

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